Thursday, February 23, 2012

Is it safe to take pets on airplanes?

I'm planning a trip in June, and I'm considering taking my bird, a cockateil, with me. I'm worried about taking her on the plane, though, as I have heard horror stories over the years of pets dying in the cargo holds in planes, since they are not pressurized or heated like the passenger cabins are. Has this changed, is it safer to bring pets on planes, or should I find someone to watch her while I am gone?Is it safe to take pets on airplanes?Dogs and cats are pretty commonly transported on planes. Birds - I don't know. You really need to call the airline on which you will be flying and ask them about birds.

In any case, an airline will NOT put an animal into an unheated, unpressurized cargo bay. Animals do sometimes die on planes, but if airlines did what you think they do, then every animal transported that way would be dead at the end of the trip, so they do not do that.Is it safe to take pets on airplanes?You would be much better off leaving her at home in familiar surroundings than to subject her to the trauma of new sites and sounds during travel as well as at your destination.....

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