Friday, January 27, 2012

Do you get annoyed when you are using public trasport and someone's mobile phone starts to ring out loud?

Do you get annoyed when a mobile phone starts to ring when you are using public transport?

Is it a distraction to other people?

Do you really want to hear someones personal conversation?

Please explain your answer?Do you get annoyed when you are using public trasport and someone's mobile phone starts to ring out loud?Yeah it really annoys me, especially if the ringtone is very loud. I don't mind if it's vibrate or something I can barely hear, along as it's quiet. And also if they are talking really loud it's so awkward just listening to their personal crap, like why should I have to listen to it? They should have rule about this stuff.Do you get annoyed when you are using public trasport and someone's mobile phone starts to ring out loud?
yes, i get annoyed. this is because i grew up in japan where it is considered proper etiquette (not sure if its actual law) to not answer your phone or text while on public transport. its also required that you turn your phone onto 'manner mode' (which is silent) and if its not, you risk getting a fine. i think its pretty rude to have a loud conversation on the phone or have your phone going off every five seconds from a text while youre on public transport. its pretty inconsiderate in my opinion. no one wants to hear you talking in a baby-voice to your boyfriend or discussing what you had for dinner last night.Do you get annoyed when you are using public trasport and someone's mobile phone starts to ring out loud?No.... I've never considered it rude to answer a phone. How would it be a distraction? A distraction from what?

In fact, I kind of like listening in to people, watching people. (not eavesdropping or not stalkerish either...) I catch the bus twice a day and it's really interesting to see all the different types of people!Do you get annoyed when you are using public trasport and someone's mobile phone starts to ring out loud?
Oh wow, you've made me think of how the last time I rode on a public bus was like 3 years ago.

But no I do not, I think it's annoying when they speak so damn loud. It's like they WANT you to hear their conversation.Do you get annoyed when you are using public trasport and someone's mobile phone starts to ring out loud?Not really. I just tend to tune it out.
  • superchips
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