Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can you believe that americns spend billions of dollars to pamper their pets?

from spas to implants? while many humans struggle to merely survive? i understand that people get attached to their pets and they become part of their family but this is just too much. spas and implants is just going too far, it is disgusting and unethical since many humans are one pay check away from homelessness. there is something wrong with this picture. some people have so much money and don't know what to do with it! i bet that majority of them are against universal health care and have health insurance for their pets! shame on them!Can you believe that americns spend billions of dollars to pamper their pets?I think all of us have an obligation to help out those less fortunate than us - but really at the same time, if someone feels the need to pamper their pooch I don't think it should concern us!

It's their life and their money, so who are we to complain?Can you believe that americns spend billions of dollars to pamper their pets?
Ya i believe.Can you believe that americns spend billions of dollars to pamper their pets?Some pets are luckier than humans if their masters as rich. They eat better food than those below the poverty line.Can you believe that americns spend billions of dollars to pamper their pets?
Some pets NEED special care.Can you believe that americns spend billions of dollars to pamper their pets?Why should we be expected to provide for people who are capable of providing for themselves?
It is quite believable. Some women value their pets more than their hubbies.Can you believe that americns spend billions of dollars to pamper their pets?
Yes I believe you and I think its a shame when we have hungry homeless people all around the world and see the money spent on pets it is simply inconceivable to me. Also implants is another sore which is becoming really a fast spreading sickness, I cannot understand why can't people accept the way God created them and see the good they have instead of trying to perfect their looks.
maybe..they have lots of money..and their medicine/cure and likewise technology are truly sophisticated and so, they are expensive... its okay to pamper their pets..they love 'em... they won't do a thing for no is all bcoz they love 'em!...go pets!Can you believe that americns spend billions of dollars to pamper their pets?
well, what have you done for humans who "are one pay check away from homelessness"? are you implying that everyone should have an equal amount of money (i.e. the wealthy gives to the poorer ones)? well, that's just flawed reasoning. you also seem to think that its ok for humans to do implants but not acceptable for pets to go for them.
I don't own so much as a hermit crab, and I am totally against "universal" health care.

This is just code language that means that you have "free" access to doctors that I pay for.

I see noting wrong with people spending the money that THEY EARNED on dog biscuits, little sweaters, and doggie viagra if they want to. You're showing a certain envy and a desire to take what doesn't belong to you.

When you earn any real money, you'll resent the idea that you should have to finance the slacker attitudes and bad career choices that lead others to "need" government handouts.
i think people go overboard in my case I have a rehab dog because I am on disability an he is very good to me turn on the light bring me the phone I thank the lord every day for him
Just saw that on Yahoo, implants for neutered dogs so they don't feel inferior! It's just ridicules if you ask me. What did all those dogs do years ago without the implants and clothes? All my poor dogs must of needed Prozac. They even said people spent $100's on hamsters. Most of these people are said to be empty nesters with money to burn. I think some people are just board and need others to talk about them. then there are others making a mighty dollar on this outrageous new industry.
how much would it take for 100,000,000 to spend a total $1,000,000,000 ? Is that like $1000?

Yes, it's easy to believe there are billions spent on pets in the USA. At least pets are grateful for what they get.

How much of your money did you give away last year to help homeless people I wonder? You sound as if you devote your entire existence to housing the unemployed.
Compared to what the govt wastes on war, it isn't a lot. What the govt spands in Iraq in a month would house and feed all the poor for a year.
" some 18000 children die every day because of hunger and mal-nutrition and 850 million people go to bed every night with empty stomachs" U.N. quoted in Huntsville times 02/18/07.

This every day preventable disaster happens while:

***75 % of earth resources are spent in US (Where?)

***US spends billions of $ every day to run a war for the supremacy and energy control in middle east.(should spent in USA for education, medical, social security,housing homeless people,......

***US spends 80 billion $ every year to treat health issues only related to obesity.(I think it's stupid, should spent in some things more important)

***Arab and other leaders spend millions of $ in one night of gambling in mount Carlos and other Casinos.


So death to stupid dictator policy
they should send there pets to red china folks are hungry there.

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