Sunday, February 26, 2012

How do we justify the death and consumption of our pets?

Cow, pigs, and chickens are like our common pets dogs and cats in that they depend on us for survival. Therefore, if an animal is depending on us to survive, how do we justify slaughtering and eating it for dinner?How do we justify the death and consumption of our pets?Its disassociation. The same way we do not cry for every person who dies every day. If you don't know them, you don't care for them. The story is the key.How do we justify the death and consumption of our pets?
There's a big difference between pets and livestock. Cows, pigs, and chickens are raised with a goal in mind, that they become food. It looks like they're depending on us to survive at first, but then when you think about it, in the end we eat them, and therefore we depend on them to survive.

I can agree with you that the methods we use to make sure our livestock grows to the right size in the right amount of time, such as hormones and other drugging, aren't quite right. That's a tough thing to justify. I'm a die hard carnivore, but even in my callous eyes I know that modern meat is very unlike the livestock of our past.

You know, some cultures justify eating cats and dogs for dinner the same way. Food is food. Did you know that the most commonly eaten protein in the world comes from insects? Also, you only mentioned cows, pigs, and chickens. Did you know that goat is the worlds most eaten meat?How do we justify the death and consumption of our pets?We are putting use of the body and not just killing for fun. It a tasty and in my opinion, based off of the food chain, a natural thing. These are not pets that I truly call a pet, most people do not view cows and dogs on the same level. People that own cows typically depend on them for future food and milk. Eating meat of these animals has been a common thing. Also since we are animals we are a part of of the food chain... we eat things that probably ate thing. Either way, I do not look at a pig and feel the same lovable connection as other pets.How do we justify the death and consumption of our pets?
A friend of mine grew up on a farm. When his parents sold the farm to move to a new country his mom slaughtered her favorite goose and cooked it up for dinner. Nobody at the table could eat it, so they buried it in the yard. Meanwhile they had a neighbor who was struggling and hungry.

If you kill your pets you had damned better well eat them or it is a crying shame. With all the people who are hungry in the world you are going to start limiting food sources?

Now if you made the argument FOR cannibalism I might have a hard time disagreeing. But spare me this pet mentality. Pet mentality comes directly at the diminishing of human worth. Those who value pets over human needs are "pet nazis" and are against the human race.

Oh, by the way, I have been a vegetarian for over 30 years.How do we justify the death and consumption of our pets?because animals were meant to be eaten. however, since we are selfish humans sometimes we chose to care for one for our own entertainment. im sure cats and dogs love to run wild more than they like to be trapped in a room all day long.How do we justify the death and consumption of our pets?
It's the same as when the aliens harvest our souls. They watch over us and guide us when we're alive but when we die they swoop in and suck our souls out even though they at least act like they care.How do we justify the death and consumption of our pets?
according to hindu mythology we don't kill and eat animals ....... its better not to have them as energy you get from them is very less

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