Sunday, February 26, 2012

Where do people get these really exotic pets?

I see people on tv and hear about people here and there having exotic pets such as monkeys, tigers, lions, etc. I saw a woman on the Internet with a capybara. There was an actress some years ago that had an ocelot. I found a question on here about a week ago asking about their pet hyena. Where the heck to people get these animals?Where do people get these really exotic pets?you have to have a license, a few months back i found a fox and it was only allowed in certain countries,it depends where you live...

The states that already have bans are Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming

if you dont live in any of those states i guess your okay lol

also keep in mind if your serious about it ,imagine the vet bills..hope i helped(:Where do people get these really exotic pets?Specialist breeders. Some of them are very unethical, some less so.

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