The best rule to follow is one rabbit=one cage.
Only rabbits that are the same sex and from the same litter can be housed together and then only until they reach 6 months of age.
Breed has nothing to do with them getting along, rabbits don't know breed. they only know a strange rabbit is invading my territory.
Just remember if you get 2 rabbits of the opposite sex they will produce babies eventually if housed together.
Again the best rule to follow is each rabbit has it's own cage.What breeds of rabbits make the best pets?You can definitely keep two different breeds together. You'd be surprised to see how many people have bonded say a 15 pound flemish giant with a 4 pound dwarf rabbit.
I adopted an I have an 7 1/2 pound English Angora (who's age is unknown) and a 4 1/2 pound 6 year old Lionhead. It took about a month to bond them but now they will not leave each other.
For size of what rabbit to get, it really depends on how big your cage would be. I don't cage mine because they're amazing with their litter box and aren't destructive.
I had a netherland dwarf rabbit that I tried to bond with my angora and she was VERY feisty and bit and chewed up my carpet and even my walls! I have seen very docile dwarfs though. My lionhead and angora are very calm and laid back but it really depends on the individual personalities. Here is a link to show different rabbit breeds and some characteristics associated with their breed.鈥?/a>What breeds of rabbits make the best pets?hey candace i have one mini lop rabbit and i love him to death i think the two best rabbits that you could get are a mini lop and a dwarf rabbit. and also you could put them in a cage together if you wanted babies or friends but if you don't get them fixed they will multiply and fast. be careful though if you get two male rabbits because even if you do get them fixed { i would do that } they can both be territorial even girls. just remember that you probably don't want to get the rabbits at a pet store unless you know if they hold their animals and have held them since they were babies and if they don't find a rabbit breeder and then you can decide from then. if you have any comments or questions please contact me at coll8998@yahoo.comWhat breeds of rabbits make the best pets?
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